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About Me

​ Dr. Elena Chiu is an accomplished pianist-composer known for her expertise in choral and orchestral music. She writes extensively for the organ and other keyboard instruments and has established herself as a collaborative performing artist.


Elena holds a Master of Music in piano performance and LRAM with distinction from the Royal Academy of Music. She subsequently pursued composition research under the tutelage of Professor Victor Chan at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and was awarded a Doctor of Music. During her studies, Elena received several prestigious scholarships and prizes, including the Composers and Authors Society Hong Kong Scholarship, King’s College London Hong Kong Foundation Scholarship, RAM Second-Study Scholarship, RAM Foundation Award, Christian Carpenter Recital Prize and David Gwilt Composition Prize. 


Elena’s performance was praised as ‘a compelling recital by a real musician’ by Doulas Finch. Elena was awarded the championship of Italy (Treviso) International Contemporary Music Competition in 2012 with her work ‘Tango’. During her time in London, Elena was actively involved with the Children’s International Voices of Enfield, working alongside their patron, John Rutter. Subsequently, she served as the composer-in-residence for the Cello Festival of of Dixie State University in Utah.


Over the past decade, Elena’s compositions have been widely recognized and featured in prominent international festival and conferences. These include the 30th Anniversary Rieger Organ Concert of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, the Royal Academy of Music Summer Piano Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, Musicarama, and the Asian Composers' League Conference and Festival. Her notable commissions include collaborations with the Hong Kong Oratorio Society, Die Konzertisten, Ponte Singers and Orchestra, Taipei Chamber Singers, Anonymous Quartet, Phoenix Quartet, Hong Kong Strings Orchestra, St. John's Cathedral Choir and Hong Kong Hymn Society.



趙學文博士 —— 新一代鋼琴家兼作曲家,擅長於創作合唱以及樂團音樂。趙氏除了編寫眾多管風琴及鍵盤樂器作品,她亦是一位專業鋼琴演奏家。




趙氏以優異成績畢業於英國皇家音樂學院,取得鋼琴演奏碩士及LRAM文憑,及後於香港中文大學完成音樂作曲博士研究,師隨陳偉光教授。在學期間,趙氏獲頒多個獎學金,包括香港作曲家及作詞家聯會奬學金,倫敦國王學院香港基金獎學金,皇家音樂學院第二學位獎學金,皇家音樂學院基金會,獎克莉斯蒂安‧卡本達獨奏會獎以及紀‧大衛作曲獎 。 


趙氏多次在本地和國際平台發表著作,包括香港文化中心三十周年誌慶萊格管風琴音樂會、英國皇家音樂學院夏季鋼琴節、亞洲作曲家聯盟會議及音樂節、香港藝術節及音樂新文化等。她的作品亦曾獲多個著名本地及海外音樂團體委約和演出,其中包括香港聖樂團、Die Konzertisten 、Ponte Singers and Orchestra、台北室內合唱團、無名四重奏、鳳凰四重奏、香港弦樂團、聖約翰座堂詩班及香港聖詩會等。

© 2023  Elena Chiu

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